- 循环依赖 2:依赖项命名规则不规范,导致无法不知道应该编译那个项目的那个模块 3:依赖模块超多,纯手工编译需要根据依赖报错信息来指定编译依赖的模块,耗时太大
基于此,我实现了一个自动依赖识别和构建的程序,它可以分析目录下所有的项目,解析出它们对应的模块,当在编译时依赖模块找不到时,自动切换到指定项目中进行相应 模块的编译
- 自动遍历目录下所有的工程,检查是否是maven工程,解析maven是否支持profile的配置,生成项目模块的映射关系
- 指定编写某个工程或某个工程的子模块,会自动发现maven仓库中没有的依赖模块,然后进行依赖模块的编译和deploy
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import json import os import subprocess import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from xml.etree.ElementTree import ParseError ns = {'ns': 'http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0'} print("hello world") force_no_cache=False offline = False param_profile = 'test' param_version = '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT' # param_setting = None param_setting = "/root/.m2/settings.xml" param_exclusions = { 'com.tianjiaguo.site:test-parent' : '!com.tianjiaguo.site:testsdk' } def check_pom_plugin(pom_path, plugin_artifact): global ns try: tree = ET.parse(pom_path) root = tree.getroot() extensions = root.find('.//ns:build/ns:extensions', ns) if extensions: for ext in extensions.findall('ns:extension', ns): artifact_id = ext.find('ns:artifactId', ns) if artifact_id is not None and artifact_id.text == plugin_artifact: return True plugins = root.find('.//ns:build/ns:plugins', ns) if plugins: for plugin in plugins.findall('ns:plugin', ns): artifact_id = plugin.find('ns:artifactId', ns) if artifact_id is not None and artifact_id.text == plugin_artifact: return True return False except Exception as e: print(f"解析错误:{str(e)}") return False def check_pom_profile(pom_path, profile_id): global ns try: tree = ET.parse(pom_path) root = tree.getroot() profiles = root.find('.//ns:profiles', ns) if profiles: for profile in profiles.findall('ns:profile', ns): pid = profile.find('ns:id', ns) if pid is not None and pid.text == profile_id: return True return False except Exception as e: print(f"解析错误:{str(e)}") return False def extract_artifacts(error_line: str): if not error_line.startswith('[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project '): return None # 找到关键部分 start = error_line.find("The following artifacts could not be resolved: ") if start != -1: end = -1 end_strs = [ # ': Cannot access ', # ': Failure to find ', # ': Could not find ', ] for end_str in end_strs: end = error_line.find(end_str) if end != -1: break if end == -1: error_line_toend = error_line[start + len("The following artifacts could not be resolved: "):] if error_line_toend.find(": ") == -1: return None artifacts_str = error_line_toend.split(": ")[0] artifacts_list = [artifact.strip() for artifact in artifacts_str.split(", ")] return artifacts_list if start != -1 and end != -1: # 提取并分割字符串 artifacts_str = error_line[start + len("The following artifacts could not be resolved: "):end] artifacts_list = [artifact.strip() for artifact in artifacts_str.split(", ")] return artifacts_list else: m_pattern = [ r"Could not find artifact ([^ ]+)", r"Failure to find ([^ ]+)", ] for pattern in m_pattern: matches = re.findall(pattern, error_line) if len(matches) > 0: # 提取依赖包信息 artifacts = [] for match in matches: artifact = match artifacts.append(artifact) return artifacts if len(artifacts) > 0 else None print(f'依赖提取失败,文本行是: {error_line}') return None def get_depend_module_name(artifact:str): f_d_info = artifact.split(":") failed_dep = f"{f_d_info[0]}:{f_d_info[1]}" return failed_dep import re def find_all_dependency(base_dir, item): global ns global param_profile global param_setting work_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, item) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(work_dir, 'g_no_compile__')): print(f"目录不获取依赖信息 {work_dir}") return {} if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(work_dir, 'pom.xml')): print(f"目录不是Maven工程 {work_dir}") return {} os.chdir(work_dir) if item == 'maventest': print(f'检查对外三包测试工程 {item}') if item == 'fiverify': print(f'检查对外三包测试工程 {item}') project_validate = check_pom_plugin(os.path.join(work_dir, "pom.xml"), "fi-common-effective-profile") has_profile = check_pom_profile(os.path.join(work_dir, 'pom.xml'), param_profile) if project_validate: c1 = f" -f effective-profile-pom.xml " else: c1 = "" if has_profile: c2 = f" -P{param_profile} " else: c2 = "" if param_setting: s1 = f" -s {param_setting} " else: s1 = "" try: command = f"set -e && set -x && cd {work_dir} && mvn help:effective-pom -Doutput=effective-pom.xml {c2} {s1}" subprocess.run(command, shell=True, check=True, cwd=work_dir) tree = ET.parse(os.path.join(work_dir, 'effective-pom.xml')) root = tree.getroot() project_infos = {} # cur_module_info ++ project_roots = root.findall('.//ns:project', ns) module_step = -1 # 判断是否根pom,这个在某些项目上有问题 if len(project_roots) == 0: project_roots.append(root) for prj_root in project_roots: module_step += 1 group_id = prj_root.find('ns:groupId', ns).text artifact_id = prj_root.find('ns:artifactId', ns).text version = prj_root.find('ns:version', ns).text if version != param_version: print(f"请检查模块的版本号 {item} {group_id}:{artifact_id}:{version}") module_name = f'{group_id}:{artifact_id}' if has_profile: cur_module_info = { module_name: { "dir": item, "profile": param_profile, "validate": project_validate, "step": module_step, } } else: cur_module_info = { module_name: { "dir": item, "profile": None, "validate": project_validate, "step": module_step, } } project_infos.update(cur_module_info) return project_infos # for module in root.findall('.//ns:modules/ns:module', ns): # module_name = module.text.strip() # module_pom = os.path.join(work_dir, module_name, 'pom.xml') # if os.path.exists(module_pom): # module_tree = ET.parse(module_pom) # module_root = module_tree.getroot() # group_id = module_root.find('ns:groupId', ns) # if group_id is None: # group_id = root.find('ns:groupId', ns) # artifact_id = module_root.find('ns:artifactId', ns) # if group_id is not None and artifact_id is not None: # # module.append(f'{group_id.text}:{artifact_id.text}') # # "com.tianjiaguo.third-c:test": { "dir": "maventest", "profile": None|test, "validate": None|True|False, } # module_name = f'{group_id.text}:{artifact_id.text}' # cur_module_info = { module_name: { "dir": item, "profile": param_profile, "validate": project_validate, } } # project_infos.update(cur_module_info) # return project_infos except (ParseError, subprocess.CalledProcessError) as e: print(f"获取子模块 {item} 信息失败:{str(e)}") return {} # command = f"mvn {c2} validate {s1} && mvn {c1} {c2} dependency:tree {s1} |tee dependency-v1.log" # 替换为你要执行的命令 # process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) # project_infos = {} # cur_module_info ++ # while True: # output = process.stdout.readline() # if output == '' and process.poll() is not None: # break # if output: # out_line = output.strip() # print(out_line) # match = re.search(r'<([^>]+)>', out_line) # if match: # # 获取到模块编译的开始 # module_name = match.group(1).strip() # print(f'开始处理模块 {module_name} 的依赖信息') # # "com.tianjiaguo.third-package:test": { "dir": "maventest", "profile": None|test, "validate": None|True|False, } # cur_module_info = { module_name: { "dir": item, "profile": param_profile, "validate": project_validate, } } # project_infos.update(cur_module_info) # return project_infos # def save_dict_to_json(dictionary, file_path): # """将字典序列化为JSON并保存到本地文件""" # with open(file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: # json.dump(dictionary, file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) # def load_dict_from_json(file_path): # """从本地JSON文件中加载并还原为字典""" # with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: # return json.load(file) def find_all_dependency_with_cache(base_dir, item): work_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, item) dependency_info_file = os.path.join(work_dir, 'dependency_info.json') if not force_no_cache and os.path.isfile(dependency_info_file): with open(dependency_info_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: return json.load(file) else: dependencies = find_all_dependency(base_dir=base_dir, item=item) if dependencies and len(dependencies) > 0: with open(dependency_info_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: json.dump(dependencies, file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4 ) return dependencies def find_all_dependencys(work_dir: str): project_infos = {} # "com.tianjiaguo.site:test": { "dir": "maventest", "profile": None, "validate": None, } os.chdir(work_dir) for item in os.listdir(work_dir): item_path = os.path.join(work_dir, item) if os.path.isdir(item_path): os.chdir(item_path) ds = find_all_dependency_with_cache(work_dir, item) project_infos.update(ds) return project_infos def find_all_dependencys_with_cache(work_dir: str): project_infos = {} # "com.tianjiaguo.site:test": { "dir": "maventest", "profile": None, "validate": None, } os.chdir(work_dir) dependency_info_file = os.path.join(work_dir, 'dependency_info.json') if not force_no_cache and os.path.isfile(dependency_info_file): with open(dependency_info_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file: return json.load(file) else: dependencies = find_all_dependencys(work_dir=work_dir) if dependencies and len(dependencies) > 0: with open(dependency_info_file, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file: json.dump(dependencies, file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4 ) return dependencies if __name__ == "__main__": # work_dir="/mnt/g/workspace/test" work_dir="/mnt/g/workspace/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT" os.chdir(work_dir) project_infos = find_all_dependencys_with_cache(work_dir=work_dir) # root_project_infos = [] # for project_info_key, project_info in project_infos.items(): # project_step = project_info['step'] # if project_step == 0: # root_project_infos.append({ # 'project_artifact' : project_info_key, # 'project_info' : project_info, # }) # print(f'failed_dep_infos.append("{project_info_key}:pom:{param_version}" ) # {project_info["dir"]}') failed_dep_infos = [] success_deps = { "com.tianjiaguo.site:test-models":True, } for dep_key, dep_info in project_infos.items(): if dep_key.endswith(('-sdk')): failed_dep_infos.append(f'{dep_key}:pom:{param_version}') for dep_key, dep_info in project_infos.items(): if dep_key.endswith(('-api')): failed_dep_infos.append(f'{dep_key}:pom:{param_version}') ################################################################### # ... # failed_dep_infos.append("com.tianjiaguo.site:test:pom:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT" ) # maventest # failed_dep_infos.append("com.tianjiaguo.site:test-parent:pom:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT" ) # fi-pom --------------- # failed_dep_infos.append("com.tianjiaguo.site:test-pom-parent:pom:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT" ) # fi-pom --------------- while len(failed_dep_infos) > 0 : failed_dep_info = failed_dep_infos.pop() failed_dep = get_depend_module_name(failed_dep_info) if failed_dep in success_deps: print(f"构建 {failed_dep} 成功") continue else: print(f"构建 {failed_dep}") if failed_dep not in project_infos: print(f"依赖 {failed_dep} 找不到,请检查本地工程是否齐全") exit(1) project_info = project_infos[failed_dep] project_dir = project_info['dir'] project_profile = project_info['profile'] project_validate = project_info['validate'] project_step = project_info['step'] project_path = f"{work_dir}/{project_dir}" os.chdir(project_path) # pom.xml if project_validate: cmd_pom_file = f" -f effective-profile-pom.xml " else: cmd_pom_file = "" # profile if project_profile: cmd_profile = f" -P{project_profile} " else: cmd_profile = "" # pl if failed_dep in param_exclusions: exclude_pl = param_exclusions[failed_dep] else: exclude_pl = None if project_step == 0: cmd_pl = "" if exclude_pl: cmd_pl = f" -pl '{exclude_pl}' " else: if exclude_pl: cmd_pl = f" -pl '{failed_dep},{exclude_pl}' " else: cmd_pl = f" -pl '{failed_dep}' " # offline if offline: cmd_offline = " -o " else: cmd_offline = "" # setting if param_setting: cmd_setting = f" -s {param_setting} " else: cmd_setting = "" # ################################################################### cmd_validate = f" && mvn {cmd_profile} validate {cmd_setting}" cmd_clean_install = f" && mvn {cmd_pom_file} {cmd_profile} clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true {cmd_pl} {cmd_setting} {cmd_offline} " if 'com.tianjiaguo.site:test' == failed_dep: cmd_dploy_pl_pom = "" cmd_deploy_root_pom = "" else: cmd_dploy_pl_pom = f" && mvn {cmd_pom_file} {cmd_profile} deploy -Dmaven.test.skip=true {cmd_pl} {cmd_setting} {cmd_offline} " cmd_deploy_root_pom = f" && mvn {cmd_pom_file} {cmd_profile} deploy -Dmaven.test.skip=true -N {cmd_setting} {cmd_offline} " command = f"set -e && set -x && cd {project_path} {cmd_validate} {cmd_clean_install} {cmd_dploy_pl_pom} {cmd_deploy_root_pom} " # 替换为你要执行的命令 process = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) is_dep_err = False while True: output = process.stdout.readline() if output == '' and process.poll() is not None: break if output: out_line = output.strip() print(out_line) artifacts_list = extract_artifacts(out_line) if artifacts_list and len(artifacts_list) > 0: is_dep_err = True failed_dep_infos.append(failed_dep_info) for artifact in artifacts_list: print(f"获取依赖 {artifact} 失败") failed_dep_infos.append(artifact) if process.returncode != 0:# {os.path.join({work_dir},{project_dir})} print(f"执行 {failed_dep} 编译程序失败,执行依赖构建脚本,脚本:{command}") # subprocess.Popen("ls .", shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True) if not is_dep_err: print(f'执行 {failed_dep} 失败,需要处理编译问题') exit(0) else: print(f"执行 {failed_dep} 编译程序成功") success_deps[failed_dep] = True if len(failed_dep_infos) > 0: print(f'继续编译...')